Journal Articles
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (By Year)
- [Sastry, K.; Aborahama, Y.]; Luo, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Cui, M.; Cao, R.; Ku, G.; Wang, L. V.; "Transcranial photoacoustic tomography de-aberrated using boundary elements," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (2025) [PDF]
- Cao, R.; Luo, Y.; Zhao, J.; Zeng, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhou, Q.; le da Zerda, A.; Wang, L. V.; "Optical-resolution parallel ultraviolet photoacoustic microscopy for slide-free histology," Science Advances 10 (2024) [PDF]
- Luo, Y.; Huang, H. K.; Sastry, K.; Hu, P.; Tong, X.; Kuo, J.; Aborahama, Y.; Na, S.; Villa, U.; Anastasio, M. A.; Wang, L. V.; "Full-wave image reconstruction in transcranial photoacoustic computed tomography using a finite element method," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (2024) [PDF]
- [Mishra, Y. N.; Wang, P.; Bauer, F. J.]; Gudipati, M. S.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-pulse ultrafast real-time simultaneous planar imaging of femtosecond laser-nanoparticle dynamics in flames," Light: Science & Applications 13 221 (2024) [PDF]
- [Loh, K. Y.; Li, L. S.; Fan, J.]; Goh, Y. Y.; Liew, W. H.; Davis, S.; Zhang, Y.; Li, K.; Liu, J.; Liang, L.; Feng, M.; Yang, M.; Zhang, H.; Ma, P.; Feng, G.; Mu, Z.; Gao, W.; Sum, T. C.; Liu, B.; Lin, J.; Yao, K.; Wang, L. V.; Liu, X.; "Sharp-peaked lanthanide nanocrystals for near-infrared photoacoustic multiplexed differential imaging," Communications Materials 5 164 (2024) [PDF]
- [Hu, P.; Zhao, P.]; Qu, Y.; Maslov, K.; Chubiz, J.; Tuuli, M. G.; Stout, M. J.; Wang, L. V.; "Quantification of cervical elasticity during pregnancy based on transvaginal ultrasound imaging and stress measurement," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 71 10 (2024) [PDF]
- [Kahraman, S. S.; Titimbo, K.]; He, Z.; Shen, J.-T.; Wang, L. V.; "Quantum mechanical modeling of the multi-stage Stern–Gerlach experiment conducted by Frisch and Segrè," New Journal of Physics 26 073005 (2024) [PDF]
- [Zhang, Y.; He, Z.; Tong, X.]; Garrett, D. C.; Cao, R.; Wang, L. V.; "Quantum imaging of biological organisms through spatial and polarization entanglement," Science Advances 10 (2024) [PDF]
- [Shen, Y.; Ma, J.; Hou, C.]; Zhao, J.; Liu, Y.; Hsu, H.; Wong, T. T. W.; Guan, B.; Zhang, S.; Wang, L. V.; "Acoustic-feedback wavefront-adapted photoacoustic microscopy," Optica 11 214-221 (2024) [PDF]
- [Zhang, Y.; Hu, P.]; Li, L.; Cao, R.; Khadria, A.; Maslov, K.; Tong, X.; Zeng, Y.; Jiang, L.; Zhou, Q.; Wang, L. V.; "Ultrafast longitudinal imaging of haemodynamics via single-shot volumetric photoacoustic tomography with a single-element detector," Nature Biomedical Engineering 8 712–725 (2024) [PDF]
- [Zhang, Y.; Olick-Gibson, J.]; Khadria, A.; Wang, L. V.; "Photoacoustic vector tomography for deep haemodynamic imaging," Nature Biomedical Engineering 8 701–711 (2024) [PDF]
- Khadria, A.; Paavola, C. D.; Maslov, K.; Brown-Augsburger, P. L.; Grealish, P. F.; Lozano, E.; Blankenship, R. L.; Cao, R.; Shi, J.; Beals, J. M.; Oladipupo, S. S.; Wang, L. V.; "Photoacoustic imaging of the dynamics of a dye-labeled IgG4 monoclonal antibody in subcutaneous tissue reveals a transient decrease in murine blood oxygenation under anesthesia," Journal of Biomedical Optics 28(11) (2023) [PDF]
- Yang, J.; Li, L. S.; He, Q.; Li, C.; Qu, Y.; Wang, L. V.; "An ultrahigh-fidelity 3D holographic display using scattering to homogenize the angular spectrum," Science Advances 9(41) (2023) [PDF]
- [He, Z.; Titimbo, K.; Garrett, D. C.]; Kahraman, S. S.; Wang, L. V.; "Numerical modeling of the multi-stage Stern–Gerlach experiment by Frisch and Segrè using co-quantum dynamics via the Schrödinger equation," Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 56(20) 205005 (2023) [PDF]
- [Titimbo, K.; Garrett, D. C.; Kahraman, S. S.; He, Z.]; Wang, L. V.; "Numerical modeling of the multi-stage Stern–Gerlach experiment by Frisch and Segrè using co-quantum dynamics via the Bloch equation," Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 56(20) 205004 (2023) [PDF]
- Sastry, K.; Zhang, Y.; Hu, P.; Luo, Y.; Tong, X.; Na, S.; Wang, L. V.; "A method for the geometric calibration of ultrasound transducer arrays with arbitrary geometries," Photoacoustics 32 100520 (2023) [PDF]
- [He, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Tong, X.]; Li, L.; Wang, L. V.; "Quantum microscopy of cells at the Heisenberg limit," Nature Communications 14(1) 2441 (2023) [PDF]
- Li, H.; Yu, Z.; Zhao, Q.; Luo, Y.; Cheng, S.; Zhong, T.; Woo, C. M.; Liu, H. L.; Wang, L. V.; Zheng, Y.; Lai, P.; "Learning-based super-resolution interpolation for sub-Nyquist sampled laser speckles," Photonics Research 11(4) (2023) [PDF]
- Zhao, Y.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-shot photoacoustic imaging with single-element transducer through a spatiotemporal encoder," Journal of Biomedical Optics 28(4) (2023) [PDF]
- Teğin, U.; Wang, P.; Wang, L. V.; "Real-time observation of optical rogue waves in spatiotemporally mode-locked fiber lasers," Communications Physics 6(1) (2023) [PDF]
- Hu, P.; Li, L.; Wang, L. V.; "Location-dependent spatiotemporal antialiasing in photoacoustic computed tomography," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 42(4) (2023) [PDF]
- [Tong, X.; He, Z.; Zhang, Y.]; Solomon, S.; Lin, L.; Song, Q.; Wang, L. V.; "Experimental full-domain mapping of quantum correlation in Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt scenarios," Physical Review Applied 19(3) 034049 (2023) [PDF]
- Wang, L. V.; "Multi-stage Stern–Gerlach experiment modeled," Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 56(10) (2023) [PDF]
- [Zhang,Y.; He, Z.; Tong, X.]; Garrett, D.; Cao, R.; Wang, L.V.; "Quantum imaging of biological organisms through spatial and polarization entanglement," ArXiv preprint arXiv:2303.05643 (2023) [PDF]
- Wang, P.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-shot reconfigurable femtosecond imaging of ultrafast optical dynamics," Advanced Science 10(13) e2207222 (2023) [PDF]
- Song, C.; Gao, J.; Gan, Y.; Zhang, X.; Han, S. S.; Wang, L. V.; Liu, H. L.; "Path sampling and integration method to calculate speckle patterns," Optics Express 31(6) (2023) [PDF]
- [Mishra, Y. N.; Wang, P.]; Bauer, F. J.; Zhang, Y; Hanstorp, D.; Will, S.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-pulse real-time billion-frames-per-second planar imaging of ultrafast nanoparticle-laser dynamics and temperature in flames," Light: Science & Applications 12(1) 47 (2023) [PDF]
- Cheng, Z.; Li, C.; Khadria, A.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, L. V.; "High-gain and high-speed wavefront shaping through scattering media," Nature Photonics 17 299–305 (2023) [PDF]
- [Tong, X.; Lin, L.]; Hu, P.; Cao, R.; Zhang, Y.; Olick-Gibson, J.; Wang, L. V.; "Non-Invasive 3D photoacoustic tomography of angiographic anatomy and hemodynamics of fatty livers in rats," Advanced Science 10(2) e2205759 (2023) [PDF]
- [Lin, L.; Tong, X.]; Cavallero, S.; Zhang, Y.; Na, S.; Cao, R.; Hsiai, T. K.; Wang, L. V.; "Non-invasive photoacoustic computed tomography of rat heart anatomy and function," Light Science Applications 12(1) 12 (2023) [PDF]
- [Cao, R.; Zhao, J.]; Li, L.; Du, L.; Zhang, Y.; Luo, Y.; Jiang, L.; Davis, S.; Zhou, Q.; de la Zerda, A.; Wang, L. V.; "Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy with a needle-shaped beam," Nature Photonics 17 89-95 (2023) [PDF]
- [Kahraman, S. S.; Titimbo, K.]; He, Z.; Shen, J.-T.; Wang, L. V.; "Quantum mechanical modeling of the multi-stage Stern-Gerlach experiment by Frisch and Segre using the von Neumann equation," ArXiv preprint arXiv:2210.11553 (2022) [PDF]
- [Zhang, R.; Li, L. S.; Rao, B.]; Rong, H.; Sun, M. Y.; Yao, J.; Chen, R.; Zhou, Q.; Mennerick, S.; Raman, B.; Wang, L. V.; "Multiscale photoacoustic tomography of neural activities with gCaMP calcium indicators," Journal of Biomedical Optics 27(9) (2022) [PDF]
- Cao, R.; Nelson, S. D.; Davis, S.; Liang, Y.; Luo, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Crawford, B.; Wang, L. V.; "Label-free intraoperative histology of bone tissue via deep-learning-assisted ultraviolet photoacoustic microscopy," Nature Biomedical Engineering 7 124-134 (2022) [PDF]
- [Zhang, Y.; Shen, B.]; Wu, T.; Zhao, J.; Jing, J. C.; Wang, P.; Sasaki-Capela, K.; Dunphy, W. G.; Garrett, D.; Maslov, K.; Wang, W.; Wang, L. V.; "Ultrafast and hypersensitive phase imaging of propagating internodal current flows in myelinated axons and electromagnetic pulses in dielectrics," Nature Communications 13(1) 5247 (2022) [PDF]
- Khadria, A.; Paavola, C. D.; Zhang, Y.; Davis, S. P. X.; Grealish, P. F.; Maslov, K.; Shi, J.; Beals, J. M.; Oladipupo, S. S.; Wang, L. V.; "Long‐duration and non‐invasive photoacoustic imaging of multiple anatomical structures in a live mouse using a single contrast agent," Advanced Science 9(28) (2022) [PDF]
- [Na, S.; Zhang, Y.]; Wang, L. V.; "Cross-ray ultrasound tomography and photoacoustic tomography of cerebral hemodynamics in rodents," Advanced Science e2201104 (2022) [PDF]
- Khadria, A.; Paavola, C. D.; Maslov, K.; Valenzuela, F. A.; Sperry, A. E.; Cox, A. L.; Cao, R.; Shi, J.; Brown-Augsburger, P. L.; Lozano, E.; Blankenship, R. L.; Majumdar, R.; Bradley, S. A.; Beals, J. M.; Oladipupo, S. S.; Wang, L. V.; "Photoacoustic imaging reveals mechanisms of rapid-acting insulin formulations dynamics at the injection site," Molecular Metabolism 101522 (2022) [PDF]
- Wang, L. V.; "Derivation from Bloch equation to von Neumann equation to Schrödinger–Pauli equation," Foundations of Physics 52(3) 61 (2022) [PDF]
- [Kim, J.; Kim, G.; Li, L.]; Zhang, P.; Kim, J. Y.; Kim, Y.; Kim, H. H.; Wang, L. V.; Lee, S.; Kim, C.; "Deep learning acceleration of multiscale superresolution localization photoacoustic imaging," Light: Science & Applications 11(1) 131 (2022) [PDF]
- Ford, A. L.; Hsu, H. C.; Binkley, M. M.; Rogers, S.; Imai, T.; Maslov, K.; Doctor, A.; Wang, L. V.; Lee, J. M.; "Probing single-cell oxygen reserve in sickled erythrocytes via in vivo photoacoustic microscopy," Am J Hematol 97(1) E11-E14 (2022) [PDF]
- Li, L.; Hsu, H. C.; Verkhusha, V. V.; Wang, L. V.; Shcherbakova, D. M.; "Multiscale photoacoustic tomography of a genetically encoded near-infrared fRET biosensor," Advanced Science e2102474 (2021) [PDF]
- Cheng, Z; Wang, L. V.; "Focusing light into scattering media with ultrasound-induced field perturbation," Light: Science & Applications 10(1) 159 (2021) [PDF]
- [Na, S; Russin, J. J.; Lin, L; Yuan, X]; Hu, P; Jann, K. B.; Yan, L; Maslov, K; Shi, J; Wang, D. J.; Liu, C. Y.; Wang, L. V.; "Massively parallel functional photoacoustic computed tomography of the human brain," Nature Biomedical Engineering 584-592 (2021) [PDF]
- Garrett, D. C.; Wang, L. V.; "Acoustic sensing with light," Nature Photonics (2021) [PDF]
- [Li, L; Li, Y]; Zhang, Y; Wang, L. V.; "Snapshot photoacoustic topography through an ergodic relay of optical absorption in vivo," Nature Protocols (2021) [PDF]
- Lee, D; Qian, C; Wang, H; Li, L; Miao, K; Du, J; Shcherbakova, D. M.; Verkhusha, V. V.; Wang, L. V.; Wei, L; "Toward photoswitchable electronic pre-resonance stimulated raman probes," The Journal of Chemical Physics 154(13) (2021) [PDF]
- [Lin, L.; Tong, X.]; Hu, P.; Invernizzi, M.; Lai, L.; Wang, L. V.; "Photoacoustic computed tomography of breast cancer in response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy," Advanced Science 2003396 (2021) [PDF]
- [Lin, L.; Hu, P.; Tong, X.; Na, S.]; Cao, R.; Yuan, X.; Garrett, D. C.; Shi, J.; Maslov, K.; Wang, L. V.; "High-speed three-dimensional photoacoustic computed tomography for preclinical research and clinical translation," Nature Communications 12(1) 882 (2021) [PDF]
- [L. Fan; X. Yan]; H. Wang; L. V. Wang; "Real-time observation and control of optical chaos," Science Advances 7(3) eabc8448 (2021) [PDF]
- Li, L.; Patil, D.; Petruncio, G.; Harnden, K. K.; Somasekharan, J. V.; Paige, M.; Wang, L. V.; Salvador-Morales, C.; "Integration of multitargeted polymer-based contrast agents with photoacoustic computed tomography: an imaging technique to visualize breast cancer intratumor heterogeneity," ACS Nano (2021) [PDF]
- He, Y.; Shi, J.; Pleitez, M. A.; Maslov, K.; Wagenaar, D. A.; Wang, L. V.; "Label-free imaging of lipid-rich biological tissues by mid-infrared photoacoustic microscopy," Journal of Biomedical Optics 25(10) 106506 (2020) [PDF]
- Na, S.; Yuan, X.; Lin, L.; Isla, J.; Garrett, D.; Wang, L. V.; "Transcranial photoacoustic computed tomography based on a layered back-projection method," Photoacoustics 20 100213 (2020) [PDF]
- [Liang, J.; Wang, P.]; Zhu, L.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-shot stereo-polarimetric compressed ultrafast photography for light-speed observation of high-dimensional optical transients with picosecond resolution," Nature Communications 11(1) 5252 (2020) [PDF]
- Onufer, E. J.; Aladegbami, B.; Imai, T.; Seiler, K.; Bajinting, A.; Courtney, C.; Sutton, S.; Bustos, A.; Yao, J.; Yeh, C. H.; Sescleifer, A.; Wang, L. V.; Guo, J.; Warner, B. W.; "EGFR in enterocytes & endothelium and hIF1alpha in enterocytes are dispensable for massive small bowel resection induced angiogenesis," PLoS One 15(9) e0236964 (2020) [PDF]
- Yang, J. M.; Li, L.; Li, J. W.; Cheng, Z. T.; Liu, Y.; Wang, L. V.; "Fighting against fast speckle decorrelation for light focusing inside live tissue by photon frequency shifting," ACS Photonics 7(3) 837-844 (2020) [PDF]
- Hu, P.; Li, L.; Lin, L.; Wang, L. V.; "Spatiotemporal antialiasing in photoacoustic computed tomography," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 39(11) 3535-3547 (2020) [PDF]
- Wei, X.; Jing, J. C.; Shen, Y.; Wang, L. V.; "Harnessing a multi-dimensional fibre laser using genetic wavefront shaping," Light: Science & Applications 9 149 (2020) [PDF]
- Cheng, Z.; Yang, J.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-shot time-reversed optical focusing into and through scattering media," ACS Photonics 7(10) 2871-2877 (2020) [PDF]
- Li, Y.; Li, L.; Zhu, L.; Shi, J.; Maslov, K.; Wang, L. V.; "Photoacoustic topography through an ergodic relay for functional imaging and biometric application in vivo," Journal of Biomedical Optics 25(7) 070501 (2020) [PDF]
- He, Y.; Shi, J.; Maslov, K. I.; Cao, R.; Wang, L. V.; "Wave of single-impulse-stimulated fast initial dip in single vessels of mouse brains imaged by high-speed functional photoacoustic microscopy," Journal of Biomedical Optics 25(6) 066501 (2020) [PDF]
- Wang, P.; Liang, J.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-shot ultrafast imaging attaining 70 trillion frames per second," Nature Communications 11(1) 2091 (2020) [PDF]
- [Jing, J. C.; Wei, X.]; Wang, L. V.; "Spatio-temporal-spectral imaging of non-repeatable dissipative soliton dynamics," Nature Communications 11(1) 2059 (2020) [PDF]
- Chen, R.; He, Y.; Shi, J.; Yung, C.; Hwang, J.; Wang, L. V.; Zhou, Q.; "Transparent high-frequency ultrasonic transducer for photoacoustic microscopy application," IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control 67(9) 1848-1853 (2020) [PDF]
- Hai, P.; Qu, Y.; Li, Y.; Zhu, L.; Shmuylovich, L.; Cornelius, L. A.; Wang, L. V.; "Label-free high-throughput photoacoustic tomography of suspected circulating melanoma tumor cells in patients in vivo," Journal of Biomedical Optics 25(3) 036002 (2020) [PDF]
- [Wei, X.; Shen, Y.; Jing, J. C.]; Hemphill, A. S.; Yang, C.; Xu, S.; Yang, Z.; Wang, L. V.; "Real-time frequency-encoded spatiotemporal focusing through scattering media using a programmable 2D ultrafine optical frequency comb," Science Advances 6(8) EAAY1192 (2020) [PDF]
- Kim, T.; Liang, J.; Zhu, L.; Wang, L. V.; "Picosecond-resolution phase-sensitive imaging of transparent objects in a single shot," Science Advances 6(3) eaay6200 (2020) [PDF]
- [Li, Y.; Li, L.; Zhu, L. R.]; Maslov, K.; Shi, J. H.; Hu, P.; Bo, E.; Yao, J. J.; Liang, J. Y.; Wang, L. D.; Wang, L. V.; "Snapshot photoacoustic topography through an ergodic relay for high-throughput imaging of optical absorption," Nature Photonics 14(3) 164-170 (2020) [PDF]
- Poudel, J.; Na, S.; Wang, L. V.; Anastasio, M. A.; "Iterative image reconstruction in transcranial photoacoustic tomography based on the elastic wave equation," Physics in Medicine and Biology 65(5) 055009 (2020) [PDF]
- Gao, M.; Si, G.; Bai, Y.; Wang, L. V.; Liu, C.; Meng, J.; "Graphics processing unit accelerating compressed sensing photoacoustic computed tomography with total variation," Applied Optics 59(3) 712-719 (2020) [PDF]
- Cheng, Z.; Yang, J.; Wang, L. V.; "Intelligently optimized digital optical phase conjugation with particle swarm optimization," Optics Letters 45(2) (2020) [PDF]
- Liu, H. L.; Liu, Z. T.; Chen, M. J.; Han, S. S.; Wang, L. V.; "Physical picture of the optical memory effect," Photonics Research 7(11) 1323-1330 (2019) [PDF]
- [Yang, J. M.; Li, L.]; Shemetov, A. A.; Lee, S.; Zhao, Y.; Liu, Y.; Shen, Y. C.; Li, J. W.; Oka, Y.; Verkhusha, V. V.; Wang, L. V.; "Focusing light inside live tissue using reversibly switchable bacterial phytochrome as a genetically encoded photochromic guide star," Science Advances 5(12) (2019) [PDF]
- Bi, R.; Dinish, U. S.; Goh, C. C.; Imai, T.; Moothanchery, M.; Li, X.; Kim, J. Y.; Jeon, S.; Pu, Y.; Kim, C.; Ng, L. G.; Wang, L. V.; Olivo, M.; "In vivo label-free functional photoacoustic monitoring of ischemic reperfusion," Journal of Biophotonics 12(7) e201800454 (2019) [PDF]
- [Wu, Z.; Li, L]; Yang, Y.; Hu, P.; Li, Y.; Yang, S.-Y.; Wang, L. V.; Gao, W.; "A microrobotic system guided by photoacoustic computed tomography for targeted navigation in intestines in vivo," Science Robotics 4(32) eaax0613 (2019) [PDF]
- [Cheng, Z.; Yang, J.]; Wang, L. V.; "Dual-polarization analog optical phase conjugation for focusing light through scattering media," Applied Physics Letters 114(23) (2019) [PDF]
- Shi, J.; Wong, T. T. W.; He, Y.; Li, L.; Zhang, R.; Yung, C. S.; Hwang, J.; Maslov, K.; Wang, L. V.; "High-resolution, high-contrast mid-infrared imaging of fresh biological samples with ultraviolet-localized photoacoustic microscopy," Nature Photonics 13 609-615 (2019) [PDF]
- [Zhang, P.; Li, L.]; Lin, L.; Shi, J.; Wang, L. V.; "In vivo superresolution photoacoustic computed tomography by localization of single dyed droplets," Light: Science & Applications 8 36 (2019) [PDF]
- [Hai, P.; Imai, T.]; Xu, S.; Zhang, R.; Aft, R. L.; Zou, J.; Wang, L. V.; "High-throughput, label-free, single-cell photoacoustic microscopy of intratumoral metabolic heterogeneity," Nature Biomedical Engineering 3(5) 381-391 (2019) [PDF]
- Yan, A.; Lin, L.; Liu, C.; Shi, J.; Na, S.; Wang, L. V.; "Microwave-induced thermoacoustic tomography through an adult human skull," Medical Physics 46(4) 1793-1797 (2019) [PDF]
- Liu, F.; Gong, X.; Wang, L. V.; Guan, J.; Song, L.; Meng, J.; "Dictionary learning sparse-sampling reconstruction method for in-vivo 3D photoacoustic computed tomography," Biomedical Optics Express 10(4) 1660-1677 (2019) [PDF]
- Yang, J.; Li, J.; He, S.; Wang, L. V.; "Angular-spectrum modeling of focusing light inside scattering media by optical phase conjugation," Optica 6(3) 250-256 (2019) [PDF]
- Wray, P.; Lin, L.; Hu, P.; Wang, L. V.; "Photoacoustic computed tomography of human extremities," Journal of Biomedical Optics 24(2) 026003 (2019) [PDF]
- Zhou, Y.; Chen, Z.; Wang, L. V.; Shen, J.-T.; "Efficient two-photon excitation by photonic dimers," Optics Letters 44(3) 475-478 (2019) [PDF]
- Hemphill, A. S.; Shen, Y.; Hwang, J.; Wang, L. V.; "High-speed alignment optimization of digital optical phase conjugation systems based on autocovariance analysis in conjunction with orthonormal rectangular polynomials," Journal of Biomedical Optics 24(3) 031004 (2019) [PDF]
- Qu, Y.; Hu, P.; Shi, J.; Maslov, K.; Zhao, P.; Li, C.; Ma, J.; Garcia-Uribe, A.; Meyers, K.; Diveley, E.; Pizzella, S.; Muench, L.; Punyamurthy, N.; Goldstein, N.; Onwumere, O.; Alisio, M.; Meyenburg, K.; Maynard, J.; Helm, K.; Altieri, E.; Slaughter, J.; Barber, S.; Burger, T.; Kramer, C.; Chubiz, J.; Anderson, M.; McCarthy, R.; England, S. K.; Macones, G. A.; Stout, M. J.; Tuuli, M.; Wang, L. V.; "In vivo characterization of connective tissue remodeling using infrared photoacoustic spectra," Journal of Biomedical Optics 23(12) 121621 (2018) [PDF]
- Qu, Y.; Li, C.; Shi, J.; Chen, R.; Xu, S.; Rafsanjani, H.; Maslov, K.; Krigman, H.; Garvey, L.; Hu, P.; Zhao, P.; Meyers, K.; Diveley, E.; Pizzella, S.; Muench, L.; Punyamurthy, N.; Goldstein, N.; Onwumere, O.; Alisio, M.; Meyenburg, K.; Maynard, J.; Helm, K.; Slaughter, J.; Barber, S.; Burger, T.; Kramer, C.; Chubiz, J.; Anderson, M.; McCarthy, R.; England, S. K.; Macones, G. A.; Zhou, Q.; Shung, K. K.; Zou, J.; Stout, M. J.; Tuuli, M.; Wang, L. V.; "Transvaginal fast-scanning optical-resolution photoacoustic endoscopy," Journal of Biomedical Optics 23(12) 121617 (2018) [PDF]
- Yang, C. S.; Qi, D. L.; Liang, J. Y.; Wang, X.; Cao, F. Y.; He, Y. L.; Ouyang, X. P.; Zhu, B. Q.; Wen, W. L.; Jia, T. Q.; Tian, J. S.; Gao, L.; Sun, Z. R.; Zhang, S. A.; Wang, L. V.; "Compressed ultrafast photography by multi-encoding imaging," Laser Physics Letters 15(11) 116202 (2018) [PDF]
- Yang, J.; Gong, L.; Shen, Y.; Wang, L. V.; "Synthetic bessel light needle for extended depth-of-field microscopy," Applied Physics Letters 113(18) 181104 (2018) [PDF]
- Cai, D.; Wong, T. T. W.; Zhu, L.; Shi, J.; Chen, S. L.; Wang, L. V.; "Dual-view photoacoustic microscopy for quantitative cell nuclear imaging," Optics Letters 43(20) 4875-4878 (2018) [PDF]
- Yan, A.; Lin, L.; Na, S.; Liu, C. J.; Wang, L. V.; "Large field homogeneous illumination in microwave-induced thermoacoustic tomography based on a quasi-conical spiral antenna," Applied Physics Letters 113(12) 123701 (2018) [PDF]
- Liang, J. Y.; Zhu, L. R.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-shot real-time femtosecond imaging of temporal focusing," Light-Science & Applications 7(1) 42 (2018) [PDF]
- Li, L.; Shemetov, A. A.; Baloban, M.; Hu, P.; Zhu, L.; Shcherbakova, D. M.; Zhang, R.; Shi, J.; Yao, J.; Wang, L. V.; Verkhusha, V. V.; "Small near-infrared photochromic protein for photoacoustic multi-contrast imaging and detection of protein interactions in vivo," Nature Communications 9(1) 2734 (2018) [PDF]
- Matthews, T. P.; Poudel, J.; Li, L.; Wang, L. V.; Anastasio, M. A.; "Parameterized joint reconstruction of the initial pressure and sound speed distributions for photoacoustic computed tomography," SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 11(2) 1560-1588 (2018) [PDF]
- Hsu, H. C.; Li, L.; Yao, J.; Wong, T. T. W.; Shi, J.; Chen, R.; Zhou, Q.; Wang, L.; "Dual-axis illumination for virtually augmenting the detection view of optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy," Journal of Biomedical Optics 23(7) 076001 (2018) [PDF]
- Yang, C.; Ding, Y.; Liang, J.; Cao, F.; Qi, D.; Jia, T.; Sun, Z.; Zhang, S.; Chen, W.; Yin, Z.; Wang, S.; Han, Z.; Guo, G.; Wang, L. V.; "Compressed 3D image information and communication security," Advanced Quantum Technologies 1800034 (2018) [PDF]
- Lin, L.; Hu, P.; Shi, J.; Appleton, C. M.; Maslov, K.; Li, L.; Zhang, R.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-breath-hold photoacoustic computed tomography of the breast," Nature Communications 9(1) 2352 (2018) [PDF]
- Qu, Y.; Li, L.; Shen, Y. C.; Wei, X. M.; Wong, T. T. W.; Hu, P.; Yao, J. J.; Maslov, K.; Wang, L. V.; "Dichroism-sensitive photoacoustic computed tomography," Optica 5(4) 495-501 (2018) [PDF]
- Imai, T.; Shi, J.; Wong, T. T. W.; Li, L.; Zhu, L.; Wang, L. V.; "High-throughput ultraviolet photoacoustic microscopy with multifocal excitation," Journal of Biomedical Optics 23(3) 036007 (2018) [PDF]
- Yang, C. S.; Qi, D. L.; Wang, X.; Cao, F. Y.; He, Y. L.; Wen, W. L.; Jia, T. Q.; Tian, J. S.; Sun, Z. R.; Gao, L.; Zhang, S. A.; Wang, L. V.; "Optimizing codes for compressed ultrafast photography by the genetic algorithm," Optica 5(2) 147-151 (2018) [PDF]
- Liu, X.; Wong, T. T. W.; Shi, J.; Ma, J.; Yang, Q.; Wang, L. V.; "Label-free cell nuclear imaging by gruneisen relaxation photoacoustic microscopy," Optics Letters 43(4) 947-950 (2018) [PDF]
- [Liu, Y.; Shen, Y.]; Ruan, H.; Brodie, F. L.; Wong, T. T. W.; Yang, C.; Wang, L. V.; "Time-reversed ultrasonically encoded optical focusing through highly scattering ex vivo human cataractous lenses," Journal of Biomedical Optics 23(1) 010501 (2018) [PDF]
- Liu, W.; Zhou, Y.; Wang, M.; Li, L.; Vienneau, E.; Chen, R.; Luo, J.; Xu, C.; Zhou, Q.; Wang, L. V.; Yao, J.; "Correcting the limited view in optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy," Journal of Biophotonics 11(2) e201700196 (2018) [PDF]
- [Zhang, P.; Li, L.]; Lin, L.; Hu, P.; Shi, J.; He, Y.; Zhu, L.; Zhou, Y.; Wang, L. V.; "High-resolution deep functional imaging of the whole mouse brain by photoacoustic computed tomography in vivo," Journal of Biophotonics 11(1) e201700024 (2018) [PDF]
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