Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications

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- Cao, R.; Luo, Y.; Zhao, J.; Zeng, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhou, Q.; le da Zerda, A.; Wang, L. V.; "Optical-resolution parallel ultraviolet photoacoustic microscopy for slide-free histology," Science Advances 10 (2024) [PDF]
- [Park, J.; Choi, S.; Knieling, F.]; Clingman, B.; Bohndiek, S.; Wang, L. V.; Kim, C.; "Clinical translation of photoacoustic imaging," Nature Reviews Bioengineering (2024) [PDF]
- [Zhang, Y.; He, Z.; Tong, X.]; Garrett, D. C.; Cao, R.; Wang, L. V.; "Quantum imaging of biological organisms through spatial and polarization entanglement," Science Advances 10 (2024) [PDF]
- [Zhang, Y.; Hu, P.]; Li, L.; Cao, R.; Khadria, A.; Maslov, K.; Tong, X.; Zeng, Y.; Jiang, L.; Zhou, Q.; Wang, L. V.; "Ultrafast longitudinal imaging of haemodynamics via single-shot volumetric photoacoustic tomography with a single-element detector," Nature Biomedical Engineering 8 712–725 (2024) [PDF]
- [Zhang, Y.; Olick-Gibson, J.]; Khadria, A.; Wang, L. V.; "Photoacoustic vector tomography for deep haemodynamic imaging," Nature Biomedical Engineering 8 701–711 (2024) [PDF]
- Shaked, N. T.; Boppart, S. A.; Wang, L. V.; Popp, J.; "Label-free biomedical optical imaging," Nature Photonics 17 1031–1041 (2023) [PDF]
- Yang, J.; Li, L. S.; He, Q.; Li, C.; Qu, Y.; Wang, L. V.; "An ultrahigh-fidelity 3D holographic display using scattering to homogenize the angular spectrum," Science Advances 9(41) (2023) [PDF]
- [He, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Tong, X.]; Li, L.; Wang, L. V.; "Quantum microscopy of cells at the Heisenberg limit," Nature Communications 14(1) 2441 (2023) [PDF]
- Cheng, Z.; Li, C.; Khadria, A.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, L. V.; "High-gain and high-speed wavefront shaping through scattering media," Nature Photonics 17 299–305 (2023) [PDF]
- [Cao, R.; Zhao, J.]; Li, L.; Du, L.; Zhang, Y.; Luo, Y.; Jiang, L.; Davis, S.; Zhou, Q.; de la Zerda, A.; Wang, L. V.; "Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy with a needle-shaped beam," Nature Photonics 17 89–95 (2023) [PDF]
- Cao, R.; Nelson, S. D.; Davis, S.; Liang, Y.; Luo, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Crawford, B.; Wang, L. V.; "Label-free intraoperative histology of bone tissue via deep-learning-assisted ultraviolet photoacoustic microscopy," Nature Biomedical Engineering 7 124–134 (2022) [PDF]
- [Zhang, Y.; Shen, B.]; Wu, T.; Zhao, J.; Jing, J. C.; Wang, P.; Sasaki-Capela, K.; Dunphy, W. G.; Garrett, D.; Maslov, K.; Wang, W.; Wang, L. V.; "Ultrafast and hypersensitive phase imaging of propagating internodal current flows in myelinated axons and electromagnetic pulses in dielectrics," Nature Communications 13(1) 5247 (2022) [PDF]
- Lin, L.; Wang, L, V.; "The emerging role of photoacoustic imaging in clinical oncology," Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 365-384 (2022) [PDF]
- [Na, S; Russin, J. J.; Lin, L; Yuan, X]; Hu, P; Jann, K. B.; Yan, L; Maslov, K; Shi, J; Wang, D. J.; Liu, C. Y.; Wang, L. V.; "Massively parallel functional photoacoustic computed tomography of the human brain," Nature Biomedical Engineering 584-592 (2021) [PDF]
- Garrett, D. C.; Wang, L. V.; "Acoustic sensing with light," Nature Photonics (2021) [PDF]
- [Li, L; Li, Y]; Zhang, Y; Wang, L. V.; "Snapshot photoacoustic topography through an ergodic relay of optical absorption in vivo," Nature Protocols (2021) [PDF]
- [Lin, L.; Hu, P.; Tong, X.; Na, S.]; Cao, R.; Yuan, X.; Garrett, D. C.; Shi, J.; Maslov, K.; Wang, L. V.; "High-speed three-dimensional photoacoustic computed tomography for preclinical research and clinical translation," Nature Communications 12(1) 882 (2021) [PDF]
- [L. Fan; X. Yan]; H. Wang; L. V. Wang; "Real-time observation and control of optical chaos," Science Advances 7(3) eabc8448 (2021) [PDF]
- [Liang, J.; Wang, P.]; Zhu, L.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-shot stereo-polarimetric compressed ultrafast photography for light-speed observation of high-dimensional optical transients with picosecond resolution," Nature Communications 11(1) 5252 (2020) [PDF]
- Wang, P.; Liang, J.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-shot ultrafast imaging attaining 70 trillion frames per second," Nature Communications 11(1) 2091 (2020) [PDF]
- [Jing, J. C.; Wei, X.]; Wang, L. V.; "Spatio-temporal-spectral imaging of non-repeatable dissipative soliton dynamics," Nature Communications 11(1) 2059 (2020) [PDF]
- [Wei, X.; Shen, Y.; Jing, J. C.]; Hemphill, A. S.; Yang, C.; Xu, S.; Yang, Z.; Wang, L. V.; "Real-time frequency-encoded spatiotemporal focusing through scattering media using a programmable 2D ultrafine optical frequency comb," Science Advances 6(8) EAAY1192 (2020) [PDF]
- Kim, T.; Liang, J.; Zhu, L.; Wang, L. V.; "Picosecond-resolution phase-sensitive imaging of transparent objects in a single shot," Science Advances 6(3) eaay6200 (2020) [PDF]
- [Li, Y.; Li, L.; Zhu, L. R.]; Maslov, K.; Shi, J. H.; Hu, P.; Bo, E.; Yao, J. J.; Liang, J. Y.; Wang, L. D.; Wang, L. V.; "Snapshot photoacoustic topography through an ergodic relay for high-throughput imaging of optical absorption," Nature Photonics 14(3) 164-170 (2020) [PDF]
- [Yang, J. M.; Li, L.]; Shemetov, A. A.; Lee, S.; Zhao, Y.; Liu, Y.; Shen, Y. C.; Li, J. W.; Oka, Y.; Verkhusha, V. V.; Wang, L. V.; "Focusing light inside live tissue using reversibly switchable bacterial phytochrome as a genetically encoded photochromic guide star," Science Advances 5(12) (2019) [PDF]
- [Wu, Z.; Li, L]; Yang, Y.; Hu, P.; Li, Y.; Yang, S.-Y.; Wang, L. V.; Gao, W.; "A microrobotic system guided by photoacoustic computed tomography for targeted navigation in intestines in vivo," Science Robotics 4(32) eaax0613 (2019) [PDF]
- Shi, J.; Wong, T. T. W.; He, Y.; Li, L.; Zhang, R.; Yung, C. S.; Hwang, J.; Maslov, K.; Wang, L. V.; "High-resolution, high-contrast mid-infrared imaging of fresh biological samples with ultraviolet-localized photoacoustic microscopy," Nature Photonics 13 609-615 (2019) [PDF]
- [Hai, P.; Imai, T.]; Xu, S.; Zhang, R.; Aft, R. L.; Zou, J.; Wang, L. V.; "High-throughput, label-free, single-cell photoacoustic microscopy of intratumoral metabolic heterogeneity," Nature Biomedical Engineering 3(5) 381-391 (2019) [PDF]
- Liang, J. Y.; Wang, L. H. W.; "Single-shot ultrafast optical imaging," Optica 5(9) 1113-1127 (2018) [PDF]
- Liang, J. Y.; Zhu, L. R.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-shot real-time femtosecond imaging of temporal focusing," Light-Science & Applications 7(1) 42 (2018) [PDF]
- Li, L.; Shemetov, A. A.; Baloban, M.; Hu, P.; Zhu, L.; Shcherbakova, D. M.; Zhang, R.; Shi, J.; Yao, J.; Wang, L. V.; Verkhusha, V. V.; "Small near-infrared photochromic protein for photoacoustic multi-contrast imaging and detection of protein interactions in vivo," Nature Communications 9(1) 2734 (2018) [PDF]
- Lin, L.; Hu, P.; Shi, J.; Appleton, C. M.; Maslov, K.; Li, L.; Zhang, R.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-breath-hold photoacoustic computed tomography of the breast," Nature Communications 9(1) 2352 (2018) [PDF]
- Wong, T. T. W.; Zhang, R.; Zhang, C.; Hsu, H. C.; Maslov, K. I.; Wang, L.; Shi, J.; Chen, R.; Shung, K. K.; Zhou, Q.; Wang, L. V.; "Label-free automated three-dimensional imaging of whole organs by microtomy-assisted photoacoustic microscopy," Nature Communications 8(1) 1386 (2017) [PDF]
- Yang, J.; Gong, L.; Xu, X.; Hai, P.; Shen, Y.; Suzuki, Y.; Wang, L. V.; "Motionless volumetric photoacoustic microscopy with spatially invariant resolution," Nature Communications 8(1) 780 (2017) [PDF]
- Wong, T. T. W.; Zhang, R.; Hai, P.; Zhang, C.; Pleitez, M. A.; Aft, R. L.; Novack, D. V.; Wang, L. V.; "Fast label-free multilayered histology-like imaging of human breast cancer by photoacoustic microscopy," Science Advances 3(5) e1602168 (2017) [PDF]
- [Li, L.; Zhu, L.; Ma, C.; Lin, L.]; Yao, J.; Wang, L.; Maslov, K.; Zhang, R.; Chen, W.; Shi, J. H.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-impulse panoramic photoacoustic computed tomography of small-animal whole-body dynamics at high spatiotemporal resolution," Nature Biomedical Engineering 1 0071 (2017) [PDF]
- [Liang, J.; Ma, C.; Zhu, L.]; Chen, Y.; Gao, L.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-shot real-time video recording of a photonic Mach cone induced by a scattered light pulse," Science Advances 3(1) e1601814 (2017) [PDF]
- Wang, L. V.; Yao, J.; "A practical guide to photoacoustic tomography in the life sciences," Nature Methods 13(8) 627–637 (2016) [PDF]
- [Yao, J.; Kaberniuk, A. A.; Li, L.]; Shcherbakova, D. M.; Zhang, R.; Wang, L.; Li, G.; Verkhusha, V. V.; Wang, L. V.; "Multiscale photoacoustic tomography using reversibly switchable bacterial phytochrome as near-infrared photochromic probe," Nature Methods 13(1) 67-73 (2016) [PDF]
- Yao, J.; Wang, L. ; Yang, J. M.; Maslov, K. I.; Wong, T. T. W.; Li, L.; Huang, C.; Zou, J.; Wang, L. V.; "High-speed label-free functional photoacoustic microscopy of mouse brain in action," Nature Methods 12(5) 407-10 (2015) [PDF]
- Lai, P.; Wang, L.; Tay, J. W.; Wang, L. V.; "Photoacoustically guided wavefront shaping for enhanced optical focusing in scattering media," Nature Photonics 9 126-132 (2015) [PDF]
- Liu, Y.; Lai, P.; Ma, C.; Xu, X.; Grabar, A. A.; Wang, L. V.; "Optical focusing deep inside dynamic scattering media with near-infrared time-reversed ultrasonically encoded (TRUE) light," Nature Communications 6 5409 (2015) [PDF]
- Ma, C.; Xu, X.; Liu, Y.; Wang, L. V.; "Time-reversed adapted-perturbation (TRAP) optical focusing onto dynamic objects inside scattering media," Nature Photonics 8(12) 931-936 (2014) [PDF]
- [Gao, L.; Liang, J.]; Li, C.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-shot compressed ultrafast photography at one hundred billion frames per second," Nature 516(7529) 74-77 (2014) [PDF]
- Wang, L.; Zhang, C.; Wang, L. V.; "Grueneisen relaxation photoacoustic microscopy," Physical Review Letters 113 174301 (2014) [PDF]
- Nasiriavanaki, M.; Xia, J.; Wan, H.; Bauer, A. Q.; Culver, J. P.; Wang, L. V.; "High-resolution photoacoustic tomography of resting-state functional connectivity in the mouse brain," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(1) 21-26 (2014) [PDF]
- Yao, J.; Wang, L.; Li, C.; Zhang, C.; Wang, L. V.; "Photoimprint photoacoustic microscopy for three-dimensional label-free sub-diffraction imaging," Physical Review Letters 112(1) 014302 (2014) [PDF]
- Wang, L.; Xia, J.; Yao, J.; Maslov, K. I.; Wang, L. V.; "Ultrasonically encoded photoacoustic flowgraphy in biological tissue," Physical Review Letters 111 204301 (2013) [PDF]
- Wang, L.; Maslov, K.; Wang, L. V.; "Single-cell label-free photoacoustic flowoxigraphy in vivo," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(15) 5759-5764 (2013) [PDF]
- Wang, L. V.; Hu, S.; "Photoacoustic tomography: in vivo imaging from organelles to organs," Science 335 1458-1462 (2012) [PDF]
- Yang, J. M.; Favazza, C.; Chen, R.; Yao, J.; Cai, X.; Maslov, K.; Zhou, Q.; Shung, K. K.; Wang, L. V.; "Simultaneous functional photoacoustic and ultrasonic endoscopy of internal organs in vivo," Nature Medicine 18(8) 1297-1303 (2012) [PDF]
- Hu, S.; Maslov, K.; Wang, L. V.; "Three-dimensional optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy," Journal of Visualized Experiments 51 (2011) [PDF]
- Lovell, J. F.; Jin, C. S.; Huynh, E.; Jin, H.; Kim, C.; Rubinstein, J. L.; Chan, W. C.; Cao, W.; Wang, L. V.; Zheng, G.; "Porphysome nanovesicles generated by porphyrin bilayers for use as multimodal biophotonic contrast agents," Nature Materials 10(4) 324-32 (2011) [PDF]
- [Xu, X.; Liu, H.]; Wang, L. V.; "Time-reversed ultrasonically encoded optical focusing into scattering media," Nature Photonics 5(3) 154-157 (2011) [PDF]
- Yavuz, M. S.; Cheng, Y.; Chen, J.; Cobley, C. M.; Xie, J.; Kim, C.; Wang, L. V.; Xia, Y. N.; "Gold nanocages covered by smart polymers for controlled release with near-infrared light," Nature Materials 8(12) 935-939 (2009) [PDF]
- Wang, L. V.; "Multiscale photoacoustic microscopy and computed tomography," Nature Photonics 3(9) 503-509 (2009) [PDF]
- Wang, L. V.; "Prospects of photoacoustic tomography," Medical Physics 35(12) 5758-5767 (2008) [PDF]
- Fang, H.; Maslov, K.; Wang, L. V.; "Photoacoustic Doppler effect from flowing small light-absorbing particles," Physical Review Letters 99(18) 184501-(1-4) (2007) [PDF]
- Zhang, H. F.; Maslov, K.; Wang, L. V.; "In vivo imaging of subcutaneous structures using functional photoacoustic microscopy," Nature Protocols 2(4) 797-804 (2007) [PDF]
- Sakadzic, S.; Wang, L. V.; "Correlation transfer and diffusion of ultrasound-modulated multiply scattered light," Physical Review Letters 96(16) 163902- (1-4) (2006) [PDF]
- Zhang, H. F.; Maslov, K.; Stoica, G.; Wang, L. V.; "Functional photoacoustic microscopy for high-resolution and noninvasive in vivo imaging," Nature Biotechnology 24(7) 848-851 (2006) [PDF]
- Maslov, K.; Stoica, G.; Wang, L. V. ; "In vivo dark-field reflection-mode photoacoustic microscopy," Optics Letters 30(6) 625-627 (2005) [PDF]
- Xu, M. H.; Wang, L. V.; "Universal back-projection algorithm for photoacoustic computed tomography," Physical Review E 71(1) 016706-(1-7) (2005) [PDF]
- Xu, Y.; Wang, L. V.; "Time reversal and its application to tomography with diffracting sources," Physical Review Letters 92(3) 033902-(1-4) (2004) [PDF]
- Wang, X. D.; Pang, Y. J.; Ku, G.; Xie, X. Y.; Stoica, G.; Wang, L. V.; "Noninvasive laser-induced photoacoustic tomography for structural and functional in vivo imaging of the brain," Nature Biotechnology 21(7) 803-806 (2003) [PDF]
- Xu, M. H.; Wang, L. V.; "Time-domain reconstruction for thermoacoustic tomography in a spherical geometry," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 21(7) 814-822 (2002) [PDF]
- Wang, L. V.; "Mechanisms of ultrasonic modulation of multiply scattered coherent light: an analytic model," Physical Review Letters 87(4) 043903-(1-4) (2001) [PDF]